UNC-32 (e189) Color Code                                          February 1987

                                                                                      DHH; July 2010


These prints show the anterior portion of the adult ventral nerve cord.  According to available information, these images should be assessed for potential defects in synaptic vesicle morphology, particularly in cholinergic neurons (cf. Pujol et al., 2001).


Color codes are taken directly from synapse charts in MRC blue notebook Z.  


1       AVBL

2       AVBR

3       AVAL

4       AVAR


1       VA2

2       VB3

3       AS2

4       DB3

5       VD3

6       DA2

7       VB4

8       VC1


1       DD2

2       VD4

3       VB2?

4       VA3


6       VA4?